Induction Health
Case Studies

All Case Studies

Form Builder
Milton Keynes University Hospital enhancing Patient Feedback using Form Builder
Milton Keynes University Hospital NHS Trust faced a significant challenge in collecting and using patient feedback. Their existing Friends and Family Test system relied on paper forms and online surveys and......
Attend Anywhere
A Patient's Experience at NHS Grampian Using Video Consultations
Find out about the challenges and benefits from Billy, a patient at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, as he talks about his experience with video consultations using Near Me powered by Attend Anywhere.
South Warwickshire NHSFT talking Induction Zesty
Listen to Adam Carson, Managing Director, South Warwickshire NHS Foundation Trust talk about the value of Induction Zesty, our patient engagement portal.
South West London ICS talking about Induction Zesty Integration with Oracle Millennium
Listen to Ian Frost, Deputy Director, Outpatient Transformation at South West London Integrated Care System, talk about the benefit and value of Induction Patient Engagement Portal 'Zesty' integration with Oracle Health's EPR 'Millennium'.
Milton Keynes University Hospital talking Induction Zesty
Joe Harrison, CEO Milton Keynes University Hospital talks about the benefits and value of Induction Zesty patient portal and the advantages of its integration into existing systems.
Attend Anywhere
Remote consultations and redesigned referrals cut waiting lists at NHS Grampian
In 2020, NHS Grampian recognised a number of challenges around the service pathway design for Oral Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery that were contributing to failures in meeting waiting list targets.
Attend Anywhere
NHS Grampian using Video Group Consultations To Support Patients with FND - Clinical Neuropsychology
Pauline & Louise, Clinical Psychologists at NHS Grampian, talk about how group video consultations have benefitted patients with functional neurological disorders.
Attend Anywhere
NHS Grampian using Video Group Consultations for Online Education Programmes - Diabetes Type 2
Clinicians, Leanne and Emma, talk about how Near Me's group consultations, powered by Attend Anywhere, have changed the way they deliver diabetes care and education across groups.
Attend Anywhere
How Video Consultations Reduce Waiting Times – Oral and Maxillofacial at NHS Grampian
Watch and listen to clinicians Vicki and Mark, discuss how Near Me powered by Attend Anywhere has transformed workflows in the Oral and Maxillofacial department at NHS Grampian.
Milton Keynes University Hospital - Digital solution transforms patient engagement 
Managing outpatient care can be complex, as patients often have complex conditions that involve treatment from consultants in several departments at several different intervals. 
Attend Anywhere
Expansion of video consultations transforms paediatrics at Gloucestershire Hospitals NHSFT
Patients often have over an hour in travel time to and from appointments – for paediatrics, this can mean missed time in school for children and a heavy burden on parents and carers.
Attend Anywhere
NHS Grampian using Near Me Video Group Consultations - Antenatal Classes
Lucy, Midwife at Aberdeen Maternity Hospital, discusses how Near Me, powered by Attend Anywhere, is being used to help expectant mothers access care remotely whilst maintaining the social aspects of group consultations.

Hear what our customers say


of patients who start registration complete it
Joe Harrison

Chief Executive Officer

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the Induction platform